Today, India is charged with the electrifying 'dance of democracy' as they say. So it is not surprising that most common people are affected by the current three front runners, their ideologies, speeches and posturing. No guesses needed who these three musketeers are, Narendra Modi of the BJP, Arvind Kejariwal of AAP and Rahul Gandhi of the Congress. Good time to be in India at this juncture, I must say!
Let me share with you my experiences of the last three days in this regard.
Two days back, I was standing in a line in our army CSD stores to pay for the items I had purchased. In front of me was a senior like me who was sporting a beard. He introduced himself saying he was ex Navy. I said I thought as much because Navy guys usually keep a beard. He replied, no, no, it is nothing to do with the Naval tradition. Then he confided,' I have decided not to shave till Narendra Modi becomes the next PM of India'. I was taken a back but also impressed by his loyalty to NaMo. I wished him all the best.
Then yesterday, as I was walking out of our society for an evening walk, I met another retired army officer who requested me to give a couple of minutes of my time. When I agreed, he took out a noting pad with some columns and signatures. He wanted me to sign the same in support of a well known personality in Pune who was opting to join the AAP of Arvind Kejariwal. As he explained, it was a technicality to be followed by the aspirant. I had hard time explaining to him that I could not do it simply because I did not support AAP. Whom do you support, he asked me. I have not made up my mind as yet, I replied and then continued on my walk.
This morning, I went to our Laughter Club of which I am a member. After we had finished our exercises and Yoga etc, there was the usual chattering by quite a few on assorted subjects, but mainly politics on expected lines. One senior lady came out strongly in favour of Rahul Gandhi. A couple of members responded with their opposing views, the usual ones, citing the recent TV interview given by him. To that, she curtly replied, 'do not give me all that nonsense! So what, she asked! At least, he looks so young and good looking, a far cry from your Modi and that ever coughing Kejariwal. Why does not he consult a doctor?' And then she walked off in a huff!
Everyone to his or her poison, I thought! But the last thought I had was, 'May God bless our people and their freedom to say or do anything as long as they do not violate the laws of the land. And let anyone come to power as long as this freedom is protected and sustained!'
Let India be truly 'मेरा Bharat mahaan'!
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