Sunday, April 24, 2016

A tale of siblings!

TIME magazine brought out a very informative issue about siblings, 'The science of siblings' which deals with the most enduring relationship in any family. All other relationships, wives, husbands, children, parents, lovers and friends are all unique it says. However, there is no relationship which is as deep or long as those among siblings, it argues.
And this brings me to my two sisters, both younger than me. One is just a couple of years younger, the other is almost a decade. This post is about the first with whom I had the good fortune to spend many years when we both were in school, the same school in a small town in Maharashtra. We both were less than ten years of age then and lived with our maternal grandparents. My parents, both doctors served in Govt hospitals in the north and were transferred every two years or so. Therefore, they decided to keep us with our grandparents for the sake of continuity in our schooling and education.
I still remember those years. Being two years senior, I was ahead of my sister in the school. But she was the one who was better known and lauded for her good behavior and matching performance. On the other hand, I was pretty indifferent in my studies to put it mildly! And this created quite a few 'problems' for me. My sister, by sheer dint of hard work and sincerity, constantly maintained her high ranking in her class. And I was generally average which resulted in the inevitable comparison between us by the teachers concerned. The standard comment used to be, 'you are Nirmala's brother. How come you are not as good!' Or words to that effect. I call her Nima, by the way!
As you can easily guess, this situation was hardly conducive to any 'friendly' relations between myself and my sister, at least from my side, you get it?! And if this was not bad enough, at home too, she was admired for her quiet and submissive nature. Very obedient to elders, she was a role model. Regardless, I treated her with my big brother attitude, telling her to run errands, do things for me, warning her NEVER to speak to me in the school and things like that. You get the picture? But I must admit, she always took care of me and protected me if I was found guilty of some mischief or misdemeanor. Once, when I broke an expensive table lamp and was scared that elders in the house would really let me have it, my dear sister told them that she was the one who accidentally broke it. Her excellent reputation spared her from any scolding. No wonder, she was the favorite child of our grandparents, uncle and aunt who had their own kids younger to us.
Then there were times couple of years later when we were teenagers, I would sneak out of the house with my friends to watch the late night second show at the only movie theater in the town. She knew this and was concerned about me. She kept a sort of vigil;she would know when I went and when I returned. But she never, NEVER let out the secret to any one in the house. In due course of time, we both graduated from our school. I got above average marks, managed to enter college at Gwalior. Nima passed out with distinction and secured admission at the prestigious Benares Hindu university, and deservedly so. She continued her success story by getting into the well known Lady Hardinge Medical college at Delhi and became a doctor. Got married to a doctor and eventually moved to America.
It is more than fifty years since. She and her doctor husband have retired from work. As luck would have it, we all have settled down with our respective families in the same country, USA. She and her husband, my brother in law, visited us recently. We were meeting after more than five years. What is most remarkable about my sister Nima is that she has just not changed over the years. She remains the same person what she was in her school days, very simple, gullible and very trusting and believing in nature. You can easily fool her by keeping a straight face. There is no guile about her. In many ways, she is a misfit in today's world of 'smart' people. But, most importantly, she is a very good person and that is what really matters. I am very proud of her!

Tuesday, April 5, 2016

Musical Evening.

Practically every weekend, thanks to my children and my grandchildren, we have a get together for some reason or other. There are numerous birthdays and anniversaries, occasions galore or just spontaneous getting together to enjoy a drink followed by dinner. But there is one particular weekend, generally the second Saturday of the month which is allotted for a musical meet. Not serious music but full of music and song nevertheless where barring a few exceptions, every one just lets go. And it is strictly for the amateurs, certainly not for the condescending highbrows! At the same time, let me say that this group of people have some really gifted singers we all look forward to hear. It is sheer pleasure!

For this occasion, everyone practices and practices to sing a song of one's choice. It could be a song from a favorite singer or a movie or a non filmi ghazal. All of enthusiasts (including me!) wait for their turn, patiently or impatiently, for their moment of glory, just for those few dedicated minutes behind a mike and in company of that wonderful karaoke which gives tailor made music to the song. Above all, this day also serves as an occasion for friends and families to meet socially without formality. All contribute to drinks and dinner by bringing in food and wine, an invariable part of this exciting evening!

Last Saturday, we had the pleasure of this musical evening at my daughter's place. It was heartening to see the house overflowing with people, young and old, all looking forward to singing their numbers with gusto. As usual, some good and confident participants took the lead to kickstart the event. As the evening wore off, it was the turn of grandkids to take stage. And they were simply delightful! Their confidence in handling the computer, searching for the karaoke of their song and just getting on, was amazing. This in my view is another welcome facet of this evening where kids get an opportunity to perform in front of adults and build their own personality positively. And when a teenager sings with his mom in perfect harmony, the bond between them is so palpable!

Noteworthy among this group is the presence of a few couples who are keen to sing together. We look forward more to their duets which give double pleasure to listeners in some ways. One of them is their playful and naughty looks they give each other giving more meaning to the lyrics of the song! You know what I mean! All said and done, a few really good singers, men and women command more attention and give more joy to all discerning music lovers because of their sheer talent. This is undeniable!

And this brings me to an elderly old fashioned gentleman who attended this musical evening with his daughter. Most of us were meeting him for the first time. So very few knew that he was a keen singer. In due course, he was introduced and then he proceeded to sing. As he started, it struck all of us how well he sang! He sounded like a professional! Most expectedly, he was requested to sing one more time which he did gracefully. And I was very moved to see his young daughter taking a video of her father singing!